iiMedia Report |2018Q1China Mobile Search Engine Market Research Report

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   On April 25, 2018, iiMedia Research, global leading new economic data mining and analysis organization, authoritatively released "2018Q1 China Mobile Search Market Research Report". According to data from iiMedia Research, the number of Chinese mobile search users increased to 666 million in the first quarter of 2018, with a growth rate of 0.91%. At present, the scale of mobile search users has become saturated, and the growth rate is slow and stable. ("2018Q1 China Mobile Search Market Research Report" full HD PDF version can be downloaded by clicking the download button at the bottom of the article.)

  2018Q1 China Mobile Search Engine Market Dynamics

  2018Q1 China Mobile Search Engine Market Dynamics

  2018Q1 China Mobile Search Engine Market Dynamics

  The Scale of Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users has reached 666 millon due to 2018Q1

  As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the first quarter of 2018, the scale of Chinese Mobile Search Engine users increased to 666 million, with a growth rate of 0.91%. The scale of Mobile Search Users has tended to be saturated, and the growth rate tend to be stable.

  More than 40% of the Users Preferred Baidu

  As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the first quarter of 2018, Baidu accounted for 42.6% of the user’s first preferred brand, Sogou was followed by 22.9%.

  Over 60% of the Mobile Search Engine Users Earn More Than 5000 Yuan per Month

  As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the first quarter of 2018, more than 60% of Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users have an average monthly income of more than RMB5000.

  Male Users are More Than Female

  As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the first quarter of 2018, male Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users accounted for 57.2%, while female users accounted for 42.8%.

  More Than Half of Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users are under 30 years old

  As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the first quarter of 2018, more than half of Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users were under 30 years old. Comments by iiMedia analyst: Young users have diversified demands. The Mobile Search Engine Companies can develop more sophisticated services for young users in the future.

  The Trendency of Chinese Mobile Search Engine Industry

  1.The Application of AI Technology in Mobile Search Engine should be More Developed

  Mobile Search Engine Companies have strengthened the layout of AI, and have made breakthroughs in the fields of Intelligent Voice, Q&A, Dialogue, Translation, etc. iiMedia Research Consulting analyst believes that AI will be the basis for the development of the Mobile Search Engine industry in the future, and the application of AI technology in Mobile Search Engine industry should be more developed.

  2. Provide the Users with Personalized and Professional Services

  The development of various classified platforms leads to the disperse of mobile users, and finally leads to Information Fragmentation. The demands of users are more diversified. They demand for the convenience of gaining information, and the professional information. iiMedia Research consulting analyst believes that the Mobile Search Engine companies will integrate various vertical platform information, grasp the characteristics of the user, and provide personalized and professional services.

  3.Changes in the Form of Content Carrier


  The emergence of short video platforms enables mobile users to express themselves not only by pictures and texts, but also videos. Short videos expand users' habits, and meet the needs of fragmentation of Internet information. Internet users' preference for video will drive the content carrier of mobile search engine change.

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