iiMedia Report |2018Q3 Chinese Mobile Search Engine Market Monitoring Report
On November 6, 2018, iiMedia Research, global leading new economic data mining and analysis organization, authoritatively released 《2018Q3 Chinese Mobile Search Engine Market Monitoring Report》.As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the first quarter of 2018, the scale of Chinese Mobile Search Engine users increased to 678 million, with a growth rate of 0.89%. Mobile search companies work on the content purification and the traffic attraction, to achieve the “win-win” situation between search engine traffic and content production.(The full hd PDF version of 《2018Q3 Chinese Mobile Search Engine Market Monitoring Report》 can be downloaded by clicking the download button at the bottom of the article.)
Here details are from the report:
2018Q3 China Mobile Search Engine Market Dynamics
The Scale of Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users has reached 678 millon due to 2018Q3
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the first quarter of 2018, the scale of Chinese Mobile Search Engine users increased to 678 million, with a growth rate of 0.89%.
Baidu and Sogou Remain Top 2 Most Preferred Search Engine in China
Based on the data of iiMedia Research, in the third quarter of 2018, Baidu topped the list of users’ most preferred brands in Chinese mobile search engine industry(42.7%), followed by Sogou(23.3%).
Over 60% of the Mobile Search Engine Users Earn More Than 5000 Yuan per Month
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the third quarter of 2018, more than 61.9% of Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users have an average monthly income of more than RMB5000.
Male are the Main Chinese Mobile Search Users
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the third quarter of 2018, male Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users accounted for 56.6%, while female users accounted for 42.8%. Man became the main users in mobile search area.
Nearly 60% of Users are Under 30
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the third quarter of 2018, nearly 60% Chinese Mobile Search Engine Users were under 30 years old. Based on the founding, iiMedia analyst said that mobile search engine companies could develop more customized services or features to cater young customers.
The Tendency of Chinese Mobile Search Engine Industry
Gradually improving the "Official account" and "Mini Program" Layout to Seize Social Traffic
Under context of strong social traffic, search traffic begins to show their unlimited potential. To face the challenge of WeChat Official Account, Baidu launched Xiongzhang, Sogou released the Sogou Account. And as WeChat has its own Mini Program system, Baidu rolled out its Smart Mini Program. Mobile search companies stepped into or reinforce the “Official Account” and “Mini Program” layouts to seize social traffic. iiMedia Research analysts believes that while search engines occupy limited mobile phone capacity with simple operations, the layout of "Official Account" and "Mini Program" has obvious advantages, and mobile search has great development potential in the future.
Focusing on User Experience and Building a Conprehensive Content Ecosystem
Currently, bidding ranking advertisements is difficult to guarantee the quality of content. Faulty advertisements and public opinion crisis led to a decline in mobile search credit. Content construction is a prerequisite for keeping long-term user stickiness. Baidu's ad-free search engine “Jiandan Search” has good performance in improving the user experience. iiMedia Research analysts believe that with the greater technology investment and updated algorithms, the search engine will further step up in AI search area . Meanwhile content creators are encouraged to produce more original content to create a good content ecology. The search companies that grew up in the early days will continue to launch ad-free search engines to improve users' perception of the brand image.
Advertising Remains the Main Revenue Mode, New Entrants in the Search Field are More likely to Innovate Business Models
As advertising being capable to create huge profits in a short time and being its main source of revenue, the search engine giants will continue to keep balance between advertising and contents. iiMedia Research analysts believes that, comparing to the current search engine giants, which are cautious and are more reliable to the profit model of advertisements, the new emerging search engine companies are more likely to innovate in business models. By effectively graspping the needs of new user groups, they can realize business model innovation from user society, content payment, etc.
Search Engine Design and Function Transform to Meet the Needs of New-Generation Users
Young generation like Post 95s and 00s has gradually become the main user group of search engine industry. The search engines need to reconsider the design interface improvement and function update according to the consumption preferences and characters of the new user groups. iiMedia Research analysts believe that the current giants or the future promising youth in search engine industry will innovate in design, function, and contents to better meet the needs of users in the new era and enhance the viscosity of future user groups.
With Technical Breakthroughs in Search Industry, Vertical Search Might be the Dark Horse
The mobile search giant is currently focusing on comprehensive search. Because for the specific areas, the content is fragmented, improvements are needed in the depth and quality, and users’ searching efficiency is low. iiMedia Research analysts believe that the vertical field search in the future has big potentials for development. For example, Search engine companies focusing on vertical areas like game entertainment, video field, etc. will effectively solve users’ directional search requirements. Search engine companies can open up new fields with its professionalism and high efficiency. But currently vertical search still needs more capital investment to achieve technological breakthroughs.
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